Dual Approach Programme

The Writing Scientist is a dual approach enrichment programme that combines creative writing with science. It is specially designed to captivate growing young minds through our storyboard approach. Our immersive programme brings our young writing scientists into Professor Atom's adventure to learn about the wonderful of science and in turn, pen down their experience in the form of creative writing.
Our approach utilises the experiential learning of science to support the fundamentals of creative writing. This synergy ultimately promotes cognitive and writing abilities, both of which, will be elevated and enforced through our exciting storyboards.
Our Modules

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Every Module Includes:

Introduction to Scientific Concepts
Take-home Science Activities

Fully Illustrated Storybook (Written By Your Child)
An Exciting Adventure!

Read Aloud Phonics Sessions
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives (Thematic)
Onomatopoeia (Sound Words)
Similes/Metaphors/ Rhymes
4 Types of Sentence Structures (Declarative/Imperative/Interrogative/Exclamatory)